Die Hard: Rest Now!
Motion Picture Soundtrack

(track n°14 as vise.)

Produced By Rest Now! (Alberto Cattani and Nicola Zolin)
Mastered by Carlo Schramm
Logo by Kazuhiro Aihara
Drawings by Pietro Dal Bianco
Artwork by Alberto Cattani

1. XIX - The Nakatomi  Plaza    01:49

2. Kris Vango - Gruber’s Arrival 

3. Between - John’s Escape / You 
    Want Money?    05:51

4. Le Combat - The Tower    01:49

5. Swan Meat - The Roof    04:10

6. Weightausend - The Fight    01:07

7. Omeed Norouzi - He Won’t Be
    Joining Us    03:54

8. Lensk - And If He Alters It?    02:40

9. Jumnos Orta - Going After John
    Again     05:19

10. Dasychira - Have A Few Laughs    

11. Kazumichi Komatsu - Welcome To
     The Party    00:59
12. 111X - TV Station / His Bag Is Missing  03:52

13. Piano Princess - Assault On The Tower                08:37

14. vise. - John Is Found Out    05:01

15. Naim - Attention Police    03:38

16. Chevel - Bill Clay   02:02

17. Holy Similaun - I Had An Accident    02:37

18. Francesco Fabris - Ode To Joy    03:41  

19. SY/IN - The Battle    10:16

20. Benelux Energy - Gruber’s Departure   01:56

21. portento - Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It
      Snow!    02:00

Die Hard: Rest Now! Motion Picture Soundtrack is a compilation produced by electronic music label Rest Now!, as an attempt to re-score the original soundtrack by Michael Kamen. The result is a 21-tracks release made by various artists that contributed to the creation of a brand new soundscape for the 1988 masterpiece by John McTiernan.

Listen to the compilation

LA. 1988. Christmas Holidays. There’s a big party at the Nakatomi Plaza, the sumptuous sanctuary of a Japanese corporation in Downtown LA. Determined to crash the party are the charming East-German terrorist Hans Gruber and his crew of thugs, who set their eyes on looting the rich vault of the Nakatomi after taking hostage all the party’s guests.
Little did they know that one of the guests is married to NYPD detective John McLane (Bruce Willis), poised to thwart the terrorist plot from the moment he steps into the Corporation’s premises. Nonetheless, McLane will have to rely more on his wits than on brute force to get out of his predicament as Hans Gruber is firstly an intellectual. The cultural superiority exuding from Hans Gruber in his first encounter with McLane, whose portrayal as a crude cowboy sets the tone for the climactic catchphrase “Yippee ki-yay, motherfucker!” The presence of a Japanese multinational on American soil in the 80’s is also a clear symptom of the forthcoming Asian economic greatness. This confers too the movie the credibility of a screenplay informed by the knowledge of contemporary global developments. It is this thorough attention to detail that makes the movie such a masterpiece.